Lindum   UK


Lindum Colonia UK Chapter is affiliated to the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.®) and are sponsored by Robin Hood Harley-Davidson dealership. We have a steadily growing membership of like-minded Harley-Davidson owners whose main aims are simply to ride together and have fun.

Our Road Captains put together a full programme of ride outs throughout the summer which are all well supported; during the cooler months, ride-outs are less frequent. Our social calendar runs throughout the year.

If you are new to riding (and/or the Harley scene) don’t worry, the Chapter cater for and integrate new riders so they gain a positive flavour of the camaraderie you can expect from membership to the Chapter. When you own a Harley, you are also taking on a new lifestyle when it comes to motorcycling. You can receive friendly and helpful advice on riding in groups and receive further information on joining the Chapter. For those of you who wish to attend a rally or two, then you can get more information from our Chapter Director.

The Imp (the Lindum Colonia Chapter Magazine), is issued to Chapter members and it contains regular editorials from the Chapter committee as well as write-ups from Chapter members, pictures, the occasional joke, and critical information that Chapter members should be aware of. We are always looking for material to include from our members, so feel free to contribute as it is our magazine for our membership. If you don’t feel up to submitting an article then another option is to complete the simple Rideout Report and e-mail it to our editor.

Do you own a Harley-Davidson? Would you like to join us? Don’t worry if you are new to riding, returning to it after a break or unused to riding in a group, you will receive a warm welcome and all the support you need!

Check out our Facebook page to see some of the things we get up to and if you’re in the dealership, take a look at our notice board, displaying a selection of pictures from previous years’ activities as well as our current ride out calendar.