Chapter Membership

You need to be a member of H.O.G. UK before you can join the Chapter. Why? Basically because that way you and your pillion are insured through H.O.G. UK for public liability on all Chapter activities. But also because you get a credential respected by the wider biking community.

Chapter membership includes the right to wear our exclusive and Chapter rockers and patches, password access to the Members Area of our website, Quarterly Newsletters “The Imp”*, weekly e-briefs, insured participation in an imaginative and varied ride-out programme – in the UK and abroad – throughout the whole year,

Membership Renewals

When renewing your membership each year the Membership Officer will need a completed membership form and your subs. The form contains a declaration that has to be signed every year, not our rules but the Harley Davidson Owners Group. You must also be a current member of HOG to be a member of a Chapter.

Nominated Charities

Lindum Colonia UK Chapter has chosen to continue to nominate the Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Service (LEBBS) as our supported Charity for 2018. (LEBBS – Charity No. 1148402) Recognising that there are many very worthy Charities that all need our support.

In addition to the main fund raising for LEBBS we will also carry out special fund-raising events for other local Charities nominated by Chapter Members and agreed to by the Committee.